We're Celebrating World Penguin Day

We believe in giving back to the place that made us, celebrating and protecting Australia’s unique environment and our native critters. With the Koko Critters Collection we are taking action, with funds from the sale of every pack going to support Australian Wildlife. That’s why, on World Penguin Day, we want to celebrate the adorable, yet delicious, creatures that we share our beautiful home with.
Percy Penguin
Percy is a rascal, with blue-grey eyes. His appetite defies his miniature size! He dives by day, then parades on the sand, by dusk he’s home to solid land.
Percy donates $2 from every mould sold to protect native wildlife through research, conservation and education programs, specific to the Phillip Island Sanctuary.
Celebrate the rich and rare beauty of our native wildlife with the best of the Critters Collection – from carefully crafted Koko Koala, Pip Platypus and Percy Penguin, to an array of pops and the entire collection of mini blocks.
Some facts about Percy
1. Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) are the smallest of all penguin species. They stand approximately 33cm tall and weigh around one kilogram, with males weighing slightly more than females. Little Penguins breed in colonies along the southern coastlines of Australia and New Zealand, with Phillip Island in Victoria home to an estimated 32,000 breeding adults.
2. Little penguins spend approximately 80% of their lives in the ocean, coming ashore only when it is necessary to maintain their burrows, breed and raise young, as well as moult their old feathers. Male penguins are slightly heavier and have a bigger beak with a more defined hook than females. Both male and female penguins will build and maintain their burrow, lining it with vegetation. Most penguins renew the pair bond each season, although research shows they have a divorce rate of 18% to almost 50% in some years if breeding has been unsuccessful. Breeding season is usually between August to February where females lay two eggs, each weighing 55g, which are the size, shape and colour of a chickens egg.
3. Little Penguins are seabirds but they can’t fly. On land they waddle and tumble about the colony taking care of their delicate plumage and raising chicks, but in the water they are masterful swimmers using their well-adapted wings as flippers to ‘fly’ through the ocean foraging for food. Little penguins can dive 200 – 1300 times per day, with an average depth ranging from 10m – 30m, and can swim on average 2-4km per hour.